Your spine is like a circuit panel in a house
📍 📍 Welcome. I’m Doctor scott Graziosa
from Life Aligned Chiropractic. What many people don’t know is
I was an electrician by trade for nearly 15 years. When someone explained the spine to me using
an electrical analogy,
it just clicked. It made so much sense because of my background. I want to explain that to you.
When you’re looking at the spine from the back, you have all these bones, right? They’re called vertebrae. But anyhow, the way I look at it is top two bones are like your main circuit breaker and then individual circuit breakers going all the way down to your waist. What happens is that every segment is a set of wires that comes out.
These wires or nerves go to organs, muscles, cells, or tissue. If you have a misalignment that could put pressure on the nerve, it’s almost like a dimmer switch in your spine. My job for you is to locate where those dimmer switches are. Turn that dimmer switch back on, turn the power on. So that the brain can communicate to the body and the body can communicate back to the brain allowing your body to heal.
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